November 29, 2006

Lion King Theater Review

On November 15th, I went to Minskoff Theater of Broadway to see a musical play, the Lion King. It is a live performance that is adapted from the original lion King animation movie by Disney. The Lion King musical play is directed by James M. Nederlander, James L. Nedelander, Sara Minskoff Allan, and the Minskoff family, with the leading actors Joel Karie as Simba, Nathaniel Stampley as Mufasa, and Derek Smith as Scar, and the playwright by Roger Allers and Irene Mecchi. The theme of the play is about growing up in the jungle, although I think there are some additional issues like friendship and responsibility.

The basic plot of the play is interesting. The story takes place in Pride land of Africa. The main idea of this Lion King story starts from a jealousy if the king’s brother which leads to the death of the king. The prince is blamed for the tragedy. Afraid of being responsible, the prince exiles himself and tries to begin a new life on his own. At the time when the prince is mature enough, he is haunted by his past sins and his father, the king’s ghost. The prince finally accepts his responsibility and returns to the Pride land to overthrow his evil uncle. I do not remember if the original animated Lion King had the exact same scenes as in the theaterical version, because when I saw the play, I felt I have never seen some of these scenes. But I prefer the theater script more than the script of the animated version.

Most of my attention was focused on Simba, the main character of the Lion King. There are two versions of Simba, the young and the adult. Both characters are played emotionally well by Justin Martin and Joel Karie respectively. Another notable character in this play is Rafiki, depicted by Tshidi Manye. She is the female leading character although her appearance in the story is minimal. The important antagonist character, Scar, by Derek Smith, put his effort to make his character alive. All the actors in this show have a very clear and loud volume when they are having a dialogue. There is no clash between the sound effects, or background musics and the players conversations are clear.

The theater design: the set, lights, costumes, make up, and sound are well prepared. The set did create the right atmosphere of emotions and a clear visualization for the scenes for the play. From the very beginning the room seemed dim, when the play starts, it helps the players create the appropriate mood. The costumes are amazing. Some actors even used a tool in order to imitate animals movement look real. The sound effects, including background music by the orchestra, give a sense of place and time. Since Lion King is a ‘half’ musical play, the orchestra has the important role to make the story’s moods real, and it did very well.

The audience is mostly careful and attentive to the play although some parents are busy with their noisy children. From the very beginning of the play, the audience was entertained by loud screaming by the cast, followed by the theme song ”Circle of Life.” I personally was interested in the performance and really enjoyed the play. Seeing this theaterical version of Lion King with my family made me feel as if I was a child again. I really recommend you to see this spectacle.

November 26, 2006

menyewa psk untuk teman kencan?

entahlah, kalau lagi males cari cewek tapi enggak mau dibilang jomblo ya salah satunya menggaet psk untuk diajak kencan. alasannya apa? yaa untuk hiburan aja, lagian kan enak di psknya enak dikita juga. psk juga manusia, sekali kali dia perlu dong kerja gampang, tinggal bayar aja dia, ajak nonton bareng- enggak macem2 pas lagi nonton, paling cuman ciuman aja deh. terus langsung pulang, dengan catatan tarif psknya tetap dibayar sesuai perjanjian.

nah ini, berarti klo mau begini mesti janjian dulu sama germonya klo si psknya cuman mau diajak jalan aja- enggak bakal dipake. mungkin enggak sih germonya bakalan ngiyain psknya cuman buat nonton doang? hmm gue belum pernah coba sihh... enaknya jalan sama psk... klo dilihat dari segi ekonomis sih jelas banget boros, bayar tarifnya, bayar minumnya, bayar makannya, bayar nontonnya, udah jadi kayak pengeluaran pacaran beneran-tapi enaknya enggak ada komitmen! terus klo mau grepe grepe juga enggak masalah, orang udah dibayar kok! kalau udah begini nyesel juga dulu pas sma enggak ikutan keluar malem minggu buat hunting yang beginian. yaa belajar emang enggak semuanya dari buku, mesti dari pengalaman dan pengamatan langsung.

balik lagi masalah nyewa psk buat kencan doang. klo misalnya ada temen yang ngeliat, pasti besoknya ditanyain deh. klo misalnya psknya yang diajak kencan itu 'lumayan' dalam artian 'terlalu bagus untuk jadi pacar gue' pasti deh esok harinya di interograsi sama temen temen. pertanyaan borongan macem: 'nemu' dimana, sekolah dimana, ada temennya yang jomblo apa enggak, orangnya sombong enggak, udah berapa lama jalan dan yang pasti tolong minta dikenalin- untuk yang pertanyaan terakhir ini, kalau dijawab akan ada usaha pencarian lewat friendster besar besaran (kasusnya adjie) hehehehe...

ehm, udah ah. nulis apaan sih gue malem malem bgini...

>blogger ngehe juga nih, masukin photo doang langsung berantakan gini paragraf gue, merepotkan!

November 23, 2006

Turkeys Are Our Friends

Turkeys Are Our Friends

By Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, AlterNet

Posted on November 23, 2006

Humans are funny birds. We get so wrapped up in habits, comfort zones, and traditions that sometimes we forget who we are, what we care about, and why we even do what we do. Thanksgiving is one such instance, sadly exemplified by its alternative name: "Turkey Day." Thanksgiving is meant to be a day when we celebrate the bounty of the harvest, pause in gratitude for the abundance most of us experience, and share what we have with others. Most people don't stop to think about the nearly 300 million birds that are killed each year in the United States, just to satisfy our taste buds. Of this number, 45 million are killed for Thanksgiving alone.

As someone who teaches vegetarian cooking classes, I've seen many people turn away from meat, dairy and eggs and embrace the array of delicious, nutritious plant-based foods available to us. I've also seen them change the lens through which they view the world, which I think is critical for shedding the comfort zones of the past and creating new ones. Some people have a real fear that they will no longer have satisfying, filling meals -- especially on Thanksgiving. I can say with confidence that they can put their fears to rest.

Our Thanksgiving feast every year is full of comfort foods galore, prepared with organic ingredients from local farms: mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy, bread & nut stuffing, mashed rutabagas, cranberries with pecans, stuffed acorn squash, corn bread, Brussels sprouts, corn, peas, pumpkin pie with cashew cream, and apple pie. This was our menu last year, and I'm sure I've left something out. Indeed, there is no dearth of food on our table on this special day, as we share it with our closest friends and family.

For those who have never met them, turkeys are magnificent animals, full of spunk and spark and affection, with individual personalities and charms. These animals, who have been abused and discarded by human beings, whose beaks and toes have been mutilated, and whose genetically overgrown bodies are susceptible to heart disease and leg deformities, still display immense affection towards humans. They are incredibly curious and follow you wherever you go, and their wonderful vocalizations include an array of clucks, purrs, coos, and cackles.

Turkeys love to be caressed, and people often remark that they respond just like their own dogs and cats. Turkeys even make a purring sound when they are content, and not until you've had a hen fall asleep under your arm have you lived. She will literally melt under your touch, relax her body, and begin to close her eyes, softly clucking all the while. It's a sight to see, and I'm moved every time I have the privilege to witness it.

Some turkeys are more affectionate than others, climbing into your lap and making themselves as comfortable as can be. At an animal sanctuary I frequent, a particularly friendly turkey became known for her propensity to hug. As soon as you crouched down, she would run over to you, press her body against yours, and crane her head over your shoulders, clucking all the while. It's amazing how so generous a hug can be given by something with no arms.

They're not all saints, but some are heroes. One turkey became my personal protector when I was trying to clean a barn and was continually accosted by a particularly rude and aggressive bird. Each time the aggressor would begin to close in on me, my hero would waddle over and get between me and his barn-mate. It was remarkable, and it happened over and over (turkeys are very persistent). What made this scene even more touching was the fact that these toms suffered from bumble foot, abscesses on the footpads that resemble corns, a common occurrence in domesticated turkeys. Between their grotesquely large breasts and inflamed feet, turkeys walk very awkwardly and with a lot of effort. I was very touched that such an effort was made on my behalf.

I grew up eating turkeys' breasts, turkeys' legs, and turkeys' wings, and I'm still making amends to these extraordinary animals. I believe we're able to mutilate certain animals for our gustatory pleasure because we don't have relationships with them. We've never meet them face to face. Once I met a turkey, I was never the same again. Once I began to celebrate Thanksgiving as turkey-free holiday, I learned for the first time what "Happy Turkey Day" really means.

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is a recognized expert in plant-based cuisine, a food columnist for VegNews Magazine and a contributing writer to Satya Magazine.

November 22, 2006

yang kedua

akhirnya baru sekarang sempet edit 'sana sini' blog gue yang satu ini. sebelum gue memutuskan untuk berhenti ber-multiply, kan ada baiknya kalau gue mulai merawat blog blog gue yang lainnya yang agak 'terlantar'.

sedih juga sih punya jurnal yang kayak ginian, padahal kan gratis aja gitu.

nyebelinnya blogger ini pas lagi mau sign in. kan usernamenya email yahoo gue, terus passwordnya biasalah, eh enggak bisa masuk masuk! terus gue coba sign ke google account- masuk- terus gue buka blogger ini- BISA AJA LOOH! ah, ada ada aja nih! masak gue mesti bolak balik gini buat ngeblog doang? merepotkan!

apaya... blogger emangnya tempat blog cocok buat ibu2 rumpi sama bapak2 yang banyak pikiran dikantor- fitur di blogger klo dibanding sama xanga ampersand multiply beda jauh banget! mau masukin foto aja ribet nya nauzubilah min jalik! terus mau main main sama desain juga enggak bisa macem macem- apa apan nih???! yaa akhirnya emang blogger ini simplenya buat orang yang mau ngeblog tapi baru melek sama komputer ato juga orang yang ngeblog tapi enggak punya selera desain. hahaha... gila ah, entry kali ini masa isinya ngejelek2in blogger terus...

anyway, tomorrow is thanksgiving. hopefully it is not going to rain in the morning, shit, i want see the baloon parade! of course, i know its going to be full of shitload of people on the road in front of macy's on 42st but still, since i've lived in new york, my family havent gone out for some childrens attraction. and this thanksgiving baloon parade is only happen once a year! must take a lot of wonderful shots of picture.

ah... i dont know, my legs are tired, my eyes need rest and my head calling me to sleep.

see you around bitches!

November 11, 2006

first test

sebentar gue mo boker dulu sebelum ngetest!!!

hehehe just kidding.
from now on, i'll put my stuffs: thoughts- either meaningless and meaningful, dirty little secrets, and of course a 'teenage something' rants.

normal font: arial =]